aerial silks

aerial silks synergy

Aerial Silks at Synergy Gymnastics London

We offer Aerial Silks classes for both children and Adults of all abilities, including beginners. Our instructors are provided by Aircraft Circus Academy, South London’s leading circus school offering professional courses, and general silks and ropes classes for adults as well as other aerial skills.

Aerial silks classes are a great way to increase core and upper body strength whilst gaining a new skill. Every session includes a warm-up before moving on to the silks.

Currently Aerial silks classes are available at Brunswick Park, Camberwell on Wednesdays.

Adults classes can be booked on a PAYG basis here.

Children’s classes can be booked via our parent portal here.

What should I expect at Aerial Classes?

aerial silks synergy


aircraft circus logo

aircraft circus Academy

Aerial sessions are delivered by specialist instructors from Aircraft Circus

Aircraft Circus share our values of inclusive access for as many people as possible from all walks of life. Based in Woolwich, Aircraft have been in operation since 2002.

Check out their website at

Aerial Silks

is visually stunning, exhilarating and lots of


Aerial Silks in London

Aerial Silks classes in London are often hard to find and expensive. Here at Synergy we are passionate about making sport as accessible as possible so when we first  discovered Aerial Silks we were determined to provide classes that were affordable and provided the best tuition available.
Fortunately our partnership with Aircraft has enabled to run fantastic classes at a more affordable rate than many other facilities in London.
Children are able to have a free trial session before enrolling and enrolment is done on a month by month basis removing the need for large termly payments up front.
Adult classes are run on a pay as you go basis also removing the need for expensive payments before you’ve even started.

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aerial silks

aerial silks synergy
photo of aerial silks gymnast
aerial silks synergy

Aerial Silks Training

Aerial Silks training can be tough on the body to begin with but with encouragement and professional guidance from the instructors you will soon make progress through the basics.

Silks classes will improve your:

– Strength

– Flexibility

– Awareness

If you are looking for somewhere fun to begin your Aerial Silks training then our classes are for you!